Sunday 29 April 2012


We are exceedingly glad to inform the aspirants of the federal University of technology owerri(FUTO), that past questions of your Institution has been uploaded.

Many thanks to Amanda, without which, the feat would not have been achieved at this time.

All FUTO aspirants, click here: to download your post-utme past questions

Once Again, thanks to Amanda.L.Louis.

Tuesday 24 April 2012



1. The densities of two gases, X and Y,
are 0.5gdm-3 and 2.0gdm-3 respectively.
What is the rate of diffusion of X relative to
Y ?
A. 0.1
B. 0.5
C. 2.0
D. 4.0

2. Which statements are correct for the
neutralization of a strong alkali in aqeous
solution at 250C ?
A. It is an endothermic process
B. It can be represented as H3O+(aq) + OH(aq)
--> 2H2O(|)
C. The enthaply change per mole of H2O
formed is independent of the acid or alkali
D. It is esterification process

3. Which of the following is an ore of tin?
A. siderite
B. haematite
C. magnetite
D. cassiterite

4. An elimination reacton occurs when ethane
is converted to
A. 1,2-dibromoethane
B. ethanol
C. ethene
D. ethylethanoate

5. Argon is used in a gas-filled electric lamps
because it helps to
A. prevent the reduction of the lamp
B. prevent oxidation of the lamp
C. make the lamp filament grow brightly
D. keep the atmosphere in the lamp

6. The nmber of hydrogen ions in 4.9g of
tetraoxosulphate(VI)acid is
A. 3.01 x 1022
B. 6.02 x 1022
C. 3.01 x 1023
D. 6.02 x 1023

7. Which of the following is the correct order of
decreasing activity of the metals Fe, Ca, Al
and Na ?
A. Fe > Ca > Al > Na
B. Na > Ca > Al > Fe
C. Al > Fe > Na > Ca
D. Ca > Na > Fe > Al

| |
CH 3 CH3
The IUPAC nomenclature for the compound
above is
A. Dimethylhexane
B. 3,5-dimethylhexane
C. 1,1-dimethyl, 3-methylpropane
D. 2,4-dimethylhexane

9. 10g of a solid is in equilibrum with its own
vapour, when 1g of s small amount of solid
is added, the vapour pressure.
A. remains the same
B. drops
C. increases by 1%
D. increases by 90%

10. Which of the these salts will produce its
metal, oxygen and nitrogen(IV)oxide on
heating ?
A. Silver trioxonitrate(V)
B. Sodiumtrioxonitrate(V)
C. Calcium trioxonitrate(V)
D. Lithium trioxonitrate(V)

11. Chromatography is used to seprate
components of mixture which differ in their
rates of
A. diffusion
B. migration
C. reaction
D. sedimentation

12. At the same temperature and pressure,
50cm3 of nitrogen gas contains the same
number of molecules as
A. 25cm3 of methane
B. 40cm3 of hydrogen
C. 50cm3 of ammonia
D. 100cm3 of chlorine

13. What is the product when propan-2-ol is
oxidized with cold dilute potassium

14. If an element R belongs to the same group
as sodium, an aqeous solution of ROH will be
A. neutral
B. acidic
C. coloured
D. have pH greater than 7

15. NH3 + H3O+ --> NH4+ + H2O
It may be deduced from the reaction above
A. A redox reaction has occured
B. H3O+ acts as an oxidizing agent
C. H3O+ acts as an acid
D. Water acts as an acid

16. Sodium chloride has no solubility product
value because od
A. saline nature
B. high solubility
C. solubility
D. insolubility

17. An anhydride is an oxide of a non-metal
A. which will not dissolve in water
B. whose solution in water has a pH
greater than 7
C. whose solution in water has a pH less
than 7
D. whose solution in water has a pH of 7

18. In the oil drop experiment, Millikan
determined the
A. charge to mass of the electron
B. mass of the electron
C. charge of the electron
D. mass of the proton

19. The carbon atoms on ethane are
A. Sp2 hybridized
B. Sp3 hybridized
C. Sp2d hybridized
D. sp hybridized

20. An example of a secondary amine is
A. propylene
B. di-butilamine
C. methylamine
D. trimethylamine

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1. A dry indehiscent, winged fruit formed from
one carpel is known as
A. schizocarp
B. caryopsis
C. samara
D. nut

2. The stem of young herbaceous plants are
kept upright mainly by
A. osmotic pressure
B. turgidity
C. transpiration pull
D. root pressure

3. A dwarf plant can be stimulated to grow to
normal height by the application of
A. thyroxin
B. gibberelin
C. insulin
D. kinin

4. Which of the following does not exist as a
single free-living cell?
A. amoeba
B. euglena
C. chlymadomonas
D. volvox

5. The ability of an organism to maintain a
constant internal environment is known as
A. diuresis
B. endosmosis
C. plasmolysis
D. homeostasis

6. The name of the bacteria which derives
energy from oxidizing nitrities to nitrates is
A. nitrosomonas
B. azobacter
C. nitrobacter
D. escherichia coli

7. Where is the energy produced in a cell?
A. nucleus
B. lysosomes
C. mitochondria
D. nucleolus

8. Which of the following components of an
ecosysem has the greatest biomass?
A. primary producers
B. primary consumers
C. secondary consumers
D. tertiary consumers

9. The difference between viviparous and
oviparous animal is
A. possession of yolked eggs
B. laying and brooding of eggs
C. possession of yolkless egg
D. laying of unfertilized eggs

10. The young shoot of a plant is referred to as
A. radicle
B. plumule
C. bud
D. branch

11. Bryophytes are different from flowering
plant because they
A. are simple small plants
B. carry out alternation of generation
C. posses small
D. posses no vascular tissue

12. The condition known as cretinism is caused
by deficiency of
A. vitamin A
B. insulin
C. thyroxin
D. vitamin C

13. Which of the following is the medium of
transportation of nutrients in unicellular
A. lymph
B. plasma
C. protoplasm
D. serum

14. In lower plants like mosses, the structure
which performs the functions of roots of
higher plants is called.
A. root hairs
B. rhizoids
C. hyphae
D. rots

15. Fruit enlargement can be induced by
spraying young ovary with
A. gibberellins, ethylene and absisic acid
B. auxin, anscisic acid and gibberellins
C. auxin, cytokinin and gibberellins
D. auxin, kinin and gibberellins

16. The following are features of the tropical
rainforest except
A. loose and moist soil
B. short tress growing beneath tall trees
C. scanty trees with small leaves
D. presence of many animals

17. Potometer is used to measure
A. rate of osmosis
B. rate of diffusion
C. rate of tranpiration
D. rate of photosynthensis

18. In aerobic respiration, oxidative
phosphorylation take place in
A. cytoplasm
B. lysosome
C. mitochondrion
D. ribosomes

19. Which of the following tissues is not found
in the stem and root of monocotyledons?
A. xylem
B. cambium
C. pitch
D. pericycle

20. What is the function of contractile vacuole in
A. produces enzymes
B. get rid of excreta
C. stores and digests food
D. gets rid of excess water

21. In which of the following organisms does a
single cell perform all functions of an active
movement, nutrition, growth, excretion and
photosynthensis ?
A. paramecium
B. amoeba
C. euglena
D. hydra

22. A fruit which develops without fertilization is
described as
A. simple
B. aggregate
C. multiple
D. parthenocarpic

23. Euglena is an autotrophic organism because
A. has flagella
B. has plant and animal features
C. can manufacture its food
D. moves fast

24. Meiotic cell division ensures that
A. many similar cells are produced
B. chromosome number of cells is
C. cells produced are doubled
D. cells produced posses the same
chromosome number

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1. W hich of the following will be likely to result from an open market purchase of securities by the Central Bank?
A. a full in short-term capital flows
B. a full in the quantity of money
C. a rise in the level of unemployment
D. a rise in the rate of interest

2. W hen is a profit-maximising firm in equilibrium?
A. when average profit is maximized
B. when its output is at its lowest
C. when the firm is maximising total revenue
D. when there is no tendency to change output

3. T he price elasticity of demand for a good is unity. What will increase as a result of a reduction in the price of the good?
A. expenditure on the good
B. expenditure on substitutes
C. marginal revenue
D. quantity demanded

4. W hich of the following defines the minimum efficient scale of output?
A. Where a plant of-a given size is used to full capacity.
B. Where the firm can avoid making a loss
C. Where the firm's operating profits are maximised
D. Where the long run average cost of a firm stop falling

5. A verage earnings in manufacturing increase by 8% white hourly wage rates increase by only 6%. What could account for this?

A. an increase in over time
B. an increase in the level of employment
C. an increase in labour productivity
D. an increase in unemployment

6. H ow do commercial banks create money?
A. by cashing cheques for their customers
B. by increasing their reserves at the central bank
C. by making loans available to customers
D. by charging customers for banking services

7. An employer currently employs 200 workers. The marginal cost of hiring an additional worker is N502. lf the employees current wage bill is N20,000, by how much will the wage paid per worker need to be increased in order to attract one more worker?
A. 1.50
B. 2.00
C. 2.52
D. 3.00

8. l n which circumstances woulda tax on alcohol be most effective in reducing drinking?

A. High income elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks
B. High price elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks
C. Low income elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks
D. Low price elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks

9. W hen the important of a commodity is limited to a definite quantity. the control means used is known as
A. Quotas
B. tax relief
C. devaluation
D. exchange rate

10. W hen is a profit-maximising firm in equilibrium?

A. when average profit is maximized
B. when its output is at its lowest
C. when the firm is maximising total revenue
D. when there is no tendency to change output

11. U nder which conditions will the economic rent received for a given type of labour decrease?

A. the demand curve for thalabourshift to the right
B. The opportunities for training and mobility increase
C. The skills possessed by such labourers become more specialised
D. The supply curve for that labour becomes more inelastic

12. W hich of the following explains how changes inwnational incomemay be brought about by changes

A. the acceleration principle
B. the investment function
C. the marginal efficiency of capital
D. the theory of multiplier

13. W hich condition makes price discrimination possible?

A. to a large number of firmson the market
B. identical elasticity of demand in the market in which theproduct is sold
C. the existence of product differentiation
D. the separability of markets in which the product is sold

14. A single country within a monetary union experiences a current account balance of payment deficit. Which policy could the country use to reduce the deficit?
A. exchange rate policy
B. monetary policy
C. fiscal policy
D. tariff policy

15. A verage earnings in manufacturing increase by 8%. While hourly wage rates increase by only 6%. What could account for this?

A. an increase in over time
B. an increase in the level of employment
C. an increase in labour productivity
D. an increase in unemployment

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1. W hich of the following will be likely to result from an open market purchase of securities by the Central Bank?
A. a full in short-term capital flows
B. a full in the quantity of money
C. a rise in the level of unemployment
D. a rise in the rate of interest

2. W hen is a profit-maximising firm in equilibrium?
A. when average profit is maximized
B. when its output is at its lowest
C. when the firm is maximising total revenue
D. when there is no tendency to change output

3. T he price elasticity of demand for a good is unity. What will increase as a result of a reduction in the price of the good?
A. expenditure on the good
B. expenditure on substitutes
C. marginal revenue
D. quantity demanded

4. W hich of the following defines the minimum efficient scale of output?
A. Where a plant of-a given size is used to full capacity.
B. Where the firm can avoid making a loss
C. Where the firm's operating profits are maximised
D. Where the long run average cost of a firm stop falling

5. A verage earnings in manufacturing increase by 8% white hourly wage rates increase by only 6%. What could account for this?

A. an increase in over time
B. an increase in the level of employment
C. an increase in labour productivity
D. an increase in unemployment

6. H ow do commercial banks create money?
A. by cashing cheques for their customers
B. by increasing their reserves at the central bank
C. by making loans available to customers
D. by charging customers for banking services

7. An employer currently employs 200 workers. The marginal cost of hiring an additional worker is N502. lf the employees current wage bill is N20,000, by how much will the wage paid per worker need to be increased in order to attract one more worker?
A. 1.50
B. 2.00
C. 2.52
D. 3.00

8. l n which circumstances woulda tax on alcohol be most effective in reducing drinking?

A. High income elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks
B. High price elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks
C. Low income elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks
D. Low price elasticity of demand for alcoholic drinks

9. W hen the important of a commodity is limited to a definite quantity. the control means used is known as
A. Quotas
B. tax relief
C. devaluation
D. exchange rate

10. W hen is a profit-maximising firm in equilibrium?

A. when average profit is maximized
B. when its output is at its lowest
C. when the firm is maximising total revenue
D. when there is no tendency to change output

11. U nder which conditions will the economic rent received for a given type of labour decrease?

A. the demand curve for thalabourshift to the right
B. The opportunities for training and mobility increase
C. The skills possessed by such labourers become more specialised
D. The supply curve for that labour becomes more inelastic

12. W hich of the following explains how changes inwnational incomemay be brought about by changes

A. the acceleration principle
B. the investment function
C. the marginal efficiency of capital
D. the theory of multiplier


Friday 20 April 2012


Due to our viewers requests that the UNIABJ past questions we uploaded could not be viewed when downloaded, and that it should be made in pdf format.

We have succeeded in compiling a group of scanned past-questions into a pdf file. click here to download yours.

Thanks for your patience.

VNTI OFFICIAL (All Rights Reserved)

Thursday 19 April 2012


AKOKA, 2007

1. A box slides down a smooth inclined plane 30m long and 10m high. Determine the speed of the box at the bottom of the plane if it start from rest at the top
A. 14m/s
B. 140m/s
C. 1.5m/s
D. 400m/s

2. A certain liquid has a specific heat capacity of 3.0kg 0 C. What mass of the liquid may be heated from 20 0 C to 50 0 C by 630J of heat ?
A. 4.2g
B. 7.0g
C. 10.5g
D. 11.4g

3. A steel rod, 2m long expands by 1mm when heated through 50 0 C. By how much will second steel rods, 1m long, expands when heated, through 25 0 C
A. 1/8 mm
B. 1/4 mm
C. 1/2 mm
D. 4 mm

4. A coil of resistance 3 ohm has an inductive reactance of 4 ohm. The power dissipated in the coil when connected to an AC supply of 50v rms is
A. 100w
B. 200w
C. 300w
D. 400w

5. A glass block weighs 25N, when wholly immersed in water, the block of glass appears to weigh 15N. The relative density of glass is therefore.
A. 0.40
B. 0.60
C. 1.67
D. 2.50

6. W hat upward force must be exerted on a 2kg mass to cause it to rise with an accleration of 1.5ms -2 ?
A. 22.8N
B. 2.28N
C. 3.20N
D. 2.0N

7. A stone projected horizontally with a velocity of 15m/s from the top of a building land at a horizontal distance of 60m from the buildiong. The height of the building is
A. 120m
B. 80m
C. 40m
D. 20m

8. C ompute the resultant and the equilibrant of the following system of coplanar concurrent forces: 100N, 240 0 , 100N, 30 0 , 141.4N, 45 0
A. 20N at 17 0 , 20N at 197 0
B. 151N at 205 0 , 151N at 197 0
C. 20N at 197 0 , 20N at 17 0
D. 151N at 25 0 , 151N at 205 0

9. A n ammeter of resistance R and reading up to 5A, is to be converted to one reading up to 10A. This can be done by connecting
A. a resistance R/e in series
B. a resistance R in parallel
C. a resistance 2R in parallel
D. a resistance R in series

10. A centre of mass 25kg moving with a velocity of 3m/s on a rough horizontal floor is brought to rest after sliding a distance of 2.5m on the floor. What is the coefficient of sliding friction between the crate and the floor ?
A. 0.09
B. 0.18
C. 0.36
D. 0.54

11. A vibrating wire of length L under tension T emits a note of fundamental frequency f. If a similar wire will emit a note of fundamental length 2f its length andd tension could be
A. 2L, T/2
B. 2L, T
C. 2L, 2f
D. L/2, T

12. R hythms broadcasting station transmit at a frequency of 93.7MH. What is the wavelength of the transmission
A. 3.2m
B. 32m
C. 32.2m
D. 32cm

13. T wo inelastic objects of masses 16kg and 4kg move in opposite directions towards each other with velocities of 3m/s and 5m/s respectively. Find the resultant velocity BV on collision if they are stuck together
A. 1.4 m/s
B. 14 m/s
C. 140 m/s
D. 0 m/s

14. A jack screw has a lever arm of 45cm and a pitch of 0.5cm. If its efficiency is 30%, what force F is required to lift a load w of mass 1200kg?
A. 6.0N
B. 69N
C. 0.69N
D. 690N

15. A body of mass 20kg, moving with uniform accleration, has an intial momentum of 200kgm/s after 10s, the momentum is 300kgm/s. Wat is the accleration of the body?
A. 0.5ms -2
B. 5ms -2
C. 25ms -2
D. 50ms -2

16. A n electron in orbit the nucleus made 300 revolutions per minute, what is the angular velocity of the electron ?
A. 300(22/7) rad/s
B. 30(22/7) rad/s
C. 10(22/7) rad/s
D. 3(22/7) rad/s

17. A battery of emf 24v has an internal resistance 12 ohm. The current draw is
A. 3/8A
B. 1/2A
C. 2A
D. 8A

18. In the radioactive series
235 --> 235 --> 234 --> 231
92 93 91 92
The particles emitted are respectively
A. beta, alpha, beta
B. beta, beta, alpha
C. alpha, beta, alpha
D. alpha, alpha, beta

19. I f the pressure in a confined liquid is changed at any point, the change as transmitted equally to all points in the liquid. This principle is called
A. Archimede's principle
B. Flotation principle
C. Pascal's law
D. Boyle's law

20. A metal having a work function of 5.76eV is illuminated with a radiation of 7.88eV. The kinetic energy of the electrons emitted from the metal surface is
A. 13.64eV
B. 6.82eV
C. 4.24eV
D. 2.12eV


AKOKA, 2006

1. Fascism was a type of dictatorial govemment established in
A. Germany.
B. Russia
C. Israel
D. Italy

2. P ublic opinion can be expressed through
A. census.
B. general strike.
C. socialisation.
D. compromise.

3. T he activities of Nigeria in the international community are primarily influencedby
A. diplomacy
B. propaganda
C. national interest
D. military power

4. P ower is different from authority because power lacks
A. soveneignty
B. ability
C. probity
D. legitimacy

5. T he act of removing an elected official by the electorate is referred to as
A. impeachment.
B. consensus
C. recall
D. plebiscite



1. E lectrophiles are
A. Electron deficient species
B. Electron rich species
C. Free radical species
D. Negatively charged species

2. T he basic unit of synthentic rubber is
A. Isoprene
B. Pentane
C. Butadiene
D. Butene

3. T he emperical formula of a hydrocarbon that contains 93.3% carbon is
(C= 12, H= 13)
B. CH 2
C. C 2 H
D. C 2 H 2

4. T he type of hybridization in all the carbon in the saturated hydrocarbon is
A. SP 3
B. SP 2
D. PS 3

5. W hat are the oxidation number of manganese in the anions MnO 2- and MnO 4- ?
A. +7 and +6
B. +2 and +7
C. +4 and +4
D. +2 and +3

6. T he number of electrons in the K, L, M and N shells of calcium are respectively
A. 2, 8, 8, 2
B. 2, 2, 8, 8
C. 2, 8, 2, 8
D. 8, 8, 2, 2


AKOKA, 2008.

1. W hen a transaction causes an asset account to increase, there is
A. a decrease of equal amount in the owner's equity account
B. an increase in a liability account
C. an increase of equal amount in another asset account
D. a decrease of equal amount in a liability account

2. The initial imprest as at July 1 st was N500. Petty cash vouchers with the custodian by July 15 th added up to N394, an lOU slip received from a coworker was N65 and there was a shortage of cash. The coworker made refund on July 18 th before the imprest was replenished.
The amount required to replenish the payments made from the imprest was
A. N399
B. N394
C. N358
D. N101

3. M ayana Corporation uses special journals to record its transactions. lf one of Mayana's customers returns merchandise purchased with cash (for a refund), it makes an entry in the
A. cash receipts journal
B. sales journal
C. general journal
D. cash disbursement journal.

4. A n advantage of the use of the voucher system is that it
A. reduces the number of cheques that will be written during any giving period
B. provides a highly flexible system for handling unusual transactions
C. provides a comprehensive record of business done with particular suppliers
D. ensures that every expenditure is reviewed and verified before payment is made.

5. T he Act establishing the institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) came into force on
A.1 st September, 1960
B.1 st October, 1960
C.1 st October, 1963
D.1 st September, 1965

6. Bank Account 59,410.00
Capital Account 50,000.00
Purchases Account 20,000.00
Rent 2,500.00
Stationery 90.00
Typewriter 6,500.00
Sales 38,000.00
In preparing a trial balance from the list of balances given above, what is the total in debit and credit columns?
A. N147910
B. N138500
C. N88500
D. N85800

7. A business transaction is recorded in the books of accounts when the
A. owner of the business invests his N10,000 in another company
B. business retains part of its profits for future expansion purposes
C. business applies for overdraft facilities from its bankers
D. owner of the business collects N5,000 from the accountant.

8. W hen the factory cost of production has been ascertained, manufactured goods are transferred in trading accounts by
A. debiting manufacturing account and crediting trading account
B. crediting sales account and debiting trading account
C. debiting sales account and crediting trading account
D. crediting manufacturing account and debiting trading account

9. R esponsibility according is particularly concerned with ,
A. historical accounting
B. controllable costs
C. storekeeping
D. valuation of stocks.

10. S tate Bank collected a note for Al-Makura Company. This collection, not yet recorded in Al- Makura's books, appears on the bank reconciliation as
A. an addition to balance per books
B. a deduction from balance per bank statement
C. an addition to balance per bank statement
D. a deduction from balance per books

11. T he purchase of two generators by Hassan Electronics Enterprises should be recorded as
A. an acquisition of fixed assets
B. an expense in its general office expenses column
C. an acquisition of stock
D. a part of capital in the capital account.

12. C ost reports for attention of management should reflect
A. as much details as possible
B. summary figure only
C. details of non-controllable expenses
D. cost and comparable data useful indecision making.

13. Use the information below to answer questions
The initial imprest as at July 1 st was N500. Petty cash vouchers with the custodian by July 15 th added up to N394, an lOU slip received from a coworker was N65 and there was a shortage of cash. The coworker made refund on July 18 th before the imprest was replenished.
What was the actual cash in the till as at 15 th July?
A. N106
B. N101
C. N70
D. N36



1. How many unpaired electrons are there in the electronic configuration of an element with atomic number 8?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

2. Brass and bronze are both metallic alloys. Which of the following constituents is common to both alloys ?
A. Lead
B. Copper
C. Tin
D. Zinc

3. T he major process of manufacturing caustic soda on industrial scale is
A. Reduction of brine
B. Fusion of sodium and hydroxide
C. Electrolysis of brine
D. Concentration of brine

4. O ne mole of propane is mixed with five moles of oxygen . The mixture is ignited and the propane burns completely . What is the volume of the products at s.t.p?
[G.M.V. = 22.4dm 3 mol -1 ]
A. 112.0dm 3
B. 67.2dm 3
C. 56.0dm 3
D. 4.8dm 3

5. T he order of decreasing s-character of Sp, Sp 3 & Sp 2 is
A. Sp , Sp 2 , Sp 3
B. Sp 3 , Sp 2 , Sp
C. Sp 2 , Sp , Sp 3
D. Sp , Sp 3 , Sp 2

6. W hich of these is not a hydroscopic salt ?
A. Calcium oxide
B. Magnesium chloride
C. Copper(II)oxide
D. Sodium trioxonitrate(V)

7. T he Secondary valence is called
A. Oxidation state
B. Lewis base
C. Coordination number
D. chelates

8. T he formula of the compound formed in a reaction between a trivalent metal , M and a tetravalent non-metal X is
B. M 3 X 4
C. M 4 X 3
D. M 3 X 2

9. W hich of these compounds is not used as a fertilizer ?
A. Sodium hydroxide
B. Carbamide
C. Ammonium trioxonitrate
D. Potassium tetraoxosulphateVI




1. D etermine the power in horse of a car that is exerting force of 5 x 10 5 N while moving at a constant speed of 10m/s.
A. 6khp
B. 7khp
C. 6.7khp
D. 7.6khp

2. T he frequency of a plane progressively were represented by the equation y = 4sin[200(22/7)t - 0.5t]
N:B 22/7 represents 'pi'
A. 100Hz
B. 100m/s
C. 1000m/s
D. 1000Hz

3. T he dimension of stress is
ML -2
ML -1 T -2
ML -3 T -2
ML 2 T -2

4. T he half life of a radioisotope is 92 seconds. The N/No left after 2 hours is
A. 54.22
B. 0.368
C. 650.59
D.3.0 x 10 -24

5. H ow much energy is stored in a 20-mH coil when it carries a current of 0.2A ?
A.5 x 10 4 J
B.10 x 10 -4 J
C.8 x 10 4 J
D.4 x 10 4 J

6. I f a radioactive material has a half life of 18days , what fraction of the radioactive nucleic will remain after 54 days?
A. 1/3
B. 3
C. 1/8
D. 8

7. W hat is the magnitude of the electric field at a field point 2m from a point charge of 4nC ?
A. 9Nc
B.9Nm -1
C.0.9NF -1
D.9Nc -1




Instruction: Read the passage below
and answer the question that follows

Epiley is a condition in which the patient is
subject to recurrent attacks of loss of
consciousness. Known as 'fits' . on - lossing
consciousness, the patient falls and may
hurt himself, and though in some cases the
fit may end at this point.most attack go on
to a stage in which the muscle on the body
became rigid and the breathing is
interrupted. This in turn is usually followed
by the convulsive stage, in which there are
jerking movements of the head, limbs and
hand. The tongue may be bitten and the
patient's writhing, irregular breathing,
starring eyes and blue lips may be very
alarming to the spectator . Then the patient
slowly recovers, though when consciousness
is fully restored. The patient is still in a
weakened condition and sufers unpeasant
after-effects. Onlookers often insist on
calling an ambulance but this is
unnecessary. The patient should be made as
comfortable as possible and allowed to rest.

1.As used in the passage, the word 'conclusive
is a/an.
A. nominal phrase
B. adjective
C. genund
D. preposition market

2. The word,'after-efects' in the fifth sentence of the is an example of
A. compound noun
B. adjective
C. gerundial marker
D. prepositional phrase

3. The word, 'spectator' can also be used in the context of
A. sport
B. academics hospital
C. interaction
D. dancing

choose the correct option to fill the gap from the list 5. under each of thr sentences
4. Sales ......... during the festival period
A. peeked
B. peacked
C. picked
D. peekid

5. It is only a fool that suffers in the .......... of the plenty
A. mist
B. midst
C. midct
D. midtt

6. The man divided the job between you and _______
A. I
B. myself
C. me
D. meself

7. We promised to make
A. a mend
B. amend
C. amends
D. a mends

From the words or groups of words
letter A-D, choose one which is mostly
nearly opposite in meaning to the
Capitalized expression as it is used in
each of the following sentences :

8. The security man acted COURAGEOUSLY when
thieves attacked the bank
A. indiscreetly
B. fearlessly
C. shygly
D. timidly

9. All the must pass the COMPULSORY subject
A. Tunitnportant
B. optional
C. unreliable
D. inferior

From the words or groups of words letter A-D, choose one which is mostly nearly opposite in meaning to the underlisted expression as it is used in each of the following sentences :
10. Alhaji Taju Ologbenla is a prosperous
A. unsuccessful
B. unskillful
C. unscruplous
D. unkilled

Remember to invite your friends to join our page on facebook.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


AKOKA 2007

1. If goods or 'returnable' are returned, the seller issues
A. debit note
B. consignment note
C. advice note
D. credit note

2. The ratio of capital owned to other liabilities in a business is known as:
A. efficiency ratio
B. liquidity ratio
C. gearing ratio
D. rate of return

3. lf duty has been paid on goods, and they are later exported, what can the exporter claim?'
A. drawback
B. tax exemption
C. demurrage
D. a bond

4. What would a 'Bull do?
A. sell shares in anticipation of a fall in price
B. subscribe for new issues
C. Buy shares in anticipation of a price rise
D. Buy and sell shares on commission for other people

5. The term subrogation relates to
A. insurance
B. finance
C. advertising
D. premium

6. The computer using linear integrated circuit technology coupled with quantification of data in terms of length and distance is known as
A. analogue computer
B. hybrid computer
C. digital computer
D. mainframe computer

7. A n agreement to hire a ship which gives the chatterer compete control of the ship is known as a
A. demurrage
B. voyage charted
C. charter by demise
D. shipping conference

8. The Jobber's Turn is
A. his commission for arranging dealings in share
B. the price at which he is prepared to sell shares
C. the difference between his buying and selling prices
D. the price at which he is prepared to buy shares

9. A delcredere agent
A. has unrestricted powers
B. arranges credit terms
C. guarantees payment by the buyers
D. arranges insurance

10. The following information was obtained from the books of Johnson on 31st December, year 2000.
Stock 31/12/2000 2500
Rent 500
Insurance 300
Lighting expenses 500
Motor expenses 500
Discount allowed 1000
Stock 01/01/2000 22,400
Salaries and wages 2,000
Purchases 30,000
Sales 35,000
Return outwards 600
Return inwards 900
Debtors 6 ,800
Furniture 5,000
Discount received 1,300
Drawings 2,500
Capital 39,900

The net profit is
A. N2,500
B. N1,300
C. N2,800
D. Nl,700

11. What will ships be unloaded on to if the number of berths at a port is inadequate?
A. stearners
B. tramps
C. lighters
D. container ships

12. Mr. Chukwuma tools up a fire insurance on a property valued at N1000 and theamount insured is N800. The property caught tire causing a loss of N400. If the insurance was taken with the clause 'with average', what is the amount to be paid by the insurance company?
A. N420
B. N320
C. N460
D. N570

13. The process whereby a business organisation regularly compares physical events with the standard set and takes corrective action is
A. organizing
B. coordinating
C. controlling
D. planning

14. A package contained in a wrapper bound with rope, wire, or iron strips is knownas alan
A. bail
B. berth
C. bale
D. bait

15. The following information was obtained from the books of Johnson on 31st December, year 2000.
Stock 31/12/2000 2500
Rent 500
Insurance 300
Lighting expenses 500
Motor expenses 500
Discount allowed 1000
Stock 01/01/2000 22,400
Salaries and wages 2,000
Purchases 30,000
Sales 35,000
Return outwards 600
Return inwards 900
Debtors 6 ,800
Furniture 5,000
Discount received 1,300
Drawings 2,500
Capital 39,900

The cost of goods available for sale is
A. N2,500
B. N42,400
C. N31,800
D. N34,100

REMEMBER to share this with your friends using the links below.


AKOKA 2008.

1. T he purchase of two generators by Hassan Electronics Enterprises should be recorded as
A. an acquisition of fixed assets
B. an expense in its general office expenses column
C. an acquisition of stock
D. a part of capital in the capital account.

2. Use the information below to answer questions
The initial imprest as at July 1 st was N500. Petty cash vouchers with the custodian by July 15 th added up to N394, an lOU slip received from a coworker was N65 and there was a shortage of cash. The coworker made refund on July 18 th before the imprest was replenished.
What was the actual cash in the till as at 15 th July?
A. N106
B. N101
C. N70
D. N36

3. N
Bank Account 59,410.00
Capital Account 50,000.00
Purchases Account 20,000.00
Rent 2,500.00
Stationery 90.00
Typewriter 6,500.00
Sales 38,000.00
In preparing a trial balance from the list of balances given above, what is the total in debit and credit columns?
A. N147910
B. N138500
C. N88500
D. N85800

4. T he Act establishing the institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) came into force on
A. 1 st September, 1960
B. 1 st October, 1960
C. 1 st October, 1963
D. 1 st September, 1965

5. When a transaction causes an asset account to increase, there is
A. a decrease of equal amount in the owner's equity account
B. an increase in a liability account
C. an increase of equal amount in another asset account
D. a decrease of equal amount in a liability account

6. A n advantage of the use of the voucher system is that it
A. reduces the number of cheques that will be written during any giving period
B. provides a highly flexible system for handling unusual transactions
C. provides a comprehensive record of business done with particular suppliers
D. ensures that every expenditure is reviewed and verified before payment is made.

7. A business transaction is recorded in the books of accounts when the
A. owner of the business invests his N10,000 in another company
B. business retains part of its profits for future expansion purposes
C. business applies for overdraft facilities from its bankers
D. owner of the business collects N5,000 from the accountant.

8. Responsibility according is particularly concerned with ,
A. historical accounting
B. controllable costs
C. storekeeping
D. valuation of stocks.

9. State Bank collected a note for Al-Makura Company. This collection, not yet recorded in Al- Makura's books, appears on the bank reconciliation as
A. an addition to balance per books
B. a deduction from balance per bank statement
C. an addition to balance per bank statement
D. a deduction from balance per books

10. Use the information below to answer questions
The initial imprest as at July 1 st was N500. Petty cash vouchers with the custodian by July 15 th added up to N394, an lOU slip received from a coworker was N65 and there was a shortage of cash. The coworker made refund on July 18 th before the imprest was replenished.
The amount required to replenish the payments made from the imprest was

A. N399
B. N394
C. N358
D. N101

11. Cost reports for attention of management should reflect
A. as much details as possible
B. summary figure only
C. details of non-controllable expenses
D. cost and comparable data useful indecision making.

12. W hen the factory cost of production has been ascertained, manufactured goods are transferred in trading accounts by
A. debiting manufacturing account and crediting trading account
B. crediting sales account and debiting trading account
C. debiting sales account and crediting trading account
D. crediting manufacturing account and debiting trading account

13. Mayana Corporation uses special journals to record its transactions. lf one of Mayana's customers returns merchandise purchased with cash (for a refund), it makes an entry in the
A. cash receipts journal
B. sales journal
C. general journal
D. cash disbursement journal.

Remember to join the VNTI forums for more past questions updates.


ILE-IFE 2009

1. Stainless steel is an alloy of
A. carbon, iron and lead
B. carbon, iron and chromium
C. carbon, iron and copper
D. carbon, iron and silver
E. carbon and iron only

2. Tetraoxosulphate(Vl) ions are final test using
A. acidified silver nitrate
B. acidified barium chloride
C. lime-water
D. dilute hydrochloric acid
E. acidified hard nitrate

3. T he flame used by welders in cutting metal is
A. Butane gas flame
B. Acetylene hydroflame
C. Kerosene flame
D. Oxy-acetylene
E. Oxygen flame

4. W hich of the following has the lowest pH value ?
A. Calcium carbonates
B. Sodium trioxocarbonate(lV)
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Ethaonic acid
E. Hydrocarbon acid

5. T he function of sulphur during the vulcanization of rubber is to
A. act as catalyst for the polymerization of rubber molecules
B. convert rubber from thermosetting to thermo plastic polymer
C. form chains which bind rubber molecules together
D. break down rubber polymer molecules
E. shorter the chain length of rubber polymer

6. W hich of the following physical properties decreases across the periodic table
A. ionization potential
B. electron affinity
C. electron negativity
D. atomic radius
E. electro-positive reaction

7. M ortal is NOT used for under water construction because
A. It hardens by loss of water
B. Its hardening does not depend upon evaporation
C. It requires concrete to harden
D. It will be washed away by the flow of water
E. It softens when exposed

8. W hich of these will dilute in HCl ? Mg, Fe, Pb and Cu
A. All the metals
B. Mg, Fe and Cu
C. Mg, Fe and Pb
D. Mg and Fe only
E. Mg only

9. W hat volume of 0.50M H 2 SO 4 will exactly neutralize 20Cm 3 of 0.1M NaOH solution
2.0cm 3
5.0cm 3
6.8cm 3
8.3cm 3
10.4cm 3

10. W hich of the following roles does sodium chloride play in soap preparation ? It
A. reacts with glycerol
B. purifies the soap
C. accelerates the decomposition of the fat and oil
D. seprates the soap from glycerol
E. converts the fat acid to its sodium salt

11. A gas that can behave as a reducing agent towards chlorine and as an oxidizingagent towards hydrogen sulphide is
A. O 2
C. SO 2
D. NH 3
E. CO 2

12. Consequent members of an alkane homogenous series differ by
B. CH 2
C. CH 3
D. CH 3
E. C n H 2n+2

13. H ow many isomers can be formed from organic compounds with the formula C 3 H 8 O
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 1

14. A n element with atomic number twelve is likely to be
A. electrovalent with a valency of 1
B. electrovalent with a valency of 2
C. covalent with a valency of 2
D. covalent with a valency of 4

15. S tarch can be converted to ethyl alcohol by
A. distillation
B. fermentation
C. isomerization
D. cracking
E. osmosi

16. In the haber process for the manufacture of ammonia, finely divided iron is used as
A. an ionizing agent
B. a reducing agent
C. a catalyst
D. a dehydrating agent
E. an oxidizing agent

17. W hen platinum electrodes are used during the electrolysis of copper(ll)tetraoxosulphates(Vl)solution, the solution get progressively
A. acidic
B. basic
C. neutral
D. amphoteric

18. At STP how many litres of hydrogen can be obtained from the reaction of 500cm 3 of 0.5M H 2 SO 4 excess zinc metal
A. 22.4dm 3
B. 11.2dm 2
C. 65dm 2
D. 5.6dm 3
E. 0.00dm 3

19. W hich of the following is used in fire extinguishers
A. carbon(ll)
B. Carbon (Vl) oxide
C. Sulphur (lV) oxide
D. ammonia
E. Sulphur(lll)oxide

20. W hich of the following compound is not formed by the action of chlorine on methane
A. CH 3 Cl
B. C 2 H 5 Cl
C. CH 2 Cl 2
D. CHCl 3
E. CH 4 Cl

21. W hich of the following is an acid salt?
A. NaHSO 4
B. Na 2 SO 4
C. CH 3 CO 3
D. Na 2 S 2
E. C 2 H 5

22. Nitrogen can be best obtained from a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen by passing the mixture over
A. potassium hydroxide
B. heated gold
C. heated magnesium
D. heated phosphorus
E. calcium chloride

23. A n element that can exist in two or more different structure forms which posses the same chemical properties is said to exhibit
A. polymerism
B. isotopy
C. isomorphism
D. isomerism
E. allotropy

24. W hich of the following is NOT the correct product formed when the parent metal is heated in air?
A. Calcium oxide (Cao)
B. sodium oxide (Na 2 O)
C. copper(ll)oxide (CuO)
D. aluminium oxide (Al2O3)

Remember to tell your friends and also share it using the facebooj links below.


ILE-IFE 2007

1. T he smallest sectin of a rod which can be cut into exactly equal sections, each of either 30cm or 36cm in length is
A. 90cm
B. 180cm
C. 360cm
D. 540cm

2. W hich of the following specified sets of data is not necessarily sufficient for the construction of a triangle?
A. three angles
B. two sides and a right angle
C. two sides and a included angle
D. three sides

3. T he volume of a certain sphere is numerically equal to twice its surface area. The diameter of the sphere is
A. 6
B. 9
C. 12
D. sq.root (6)

4. A ll the vertices of an isosceles triangle lie on a circle and each of the base angles of the triangle is 65 0 . The angle subtended at the centre of the circle bythe base of the triangle is:
130 0
115 0
100 0
65 0

5. The table below shows the distribution of weight measure for 100 students
|weight|60-|63-|66-|69-|71- |
| (kg) |62 |65 | 68 | 71 | 74|
| f | 5 | 18 | 42 | 27 | 8 |
Calculate the mode of the distribution to two decimal places
A. 64.45
B. 62.45
C. 67.45
D. 65.45

6. W hen the price of egg was raised by N2 an egg, the number of eggs which canbe bought for N120 is reduced by 5. The present price of an egg is
A. N6
B. N7
C. N8
D. N10

7. If
x = 0.0012 + 0.00074 + 0.003174, what is the difference between x to 2 decimal places and x to 1 significant figure?
A. 0.01
B. 0.0051
C. 0.1
D. 0.005

8. A bearing of 310 0 , expressed as a compass bearing is
N50 0 W
N40 0 W
S40 0 W
S50 0 W

9. I n a survey of 100 students in an institution, 80 students speak Yoruba, 22 speak Igbo, while 6 speak neither Igbo or Yoruba. how many students speak Yoruba and Igbo?
A. 96
B. 8
C. 64
D. 12

10. If 0 is acute, evaluate
cos(90 - 0 ) + sin(180 - 0 )
cos(180 - 0 ) - sin(90 - 0 )
tan 0
-tan 0
cot 0
D.-cot 0

11. The table below shows the distribution of weight measure for 100 students
|weight|60-|63-|66-|69-|71- |
| (kg) |62 |65 | 68 | 71 | 74 |
| f | 5 | 18 | 42 | 27 | 8 |
Calculate the mode of the distribution to two decimal places
A. 67.33
B. 65.33
C. 65.53
D. 67.35

12. T he average age of the three children in a family is 9 years. If the average age of the parent is 39years, the average age of the whole family is:
A. 20 years
B. 21 years
C. 24 years
D. 27 years

13. A square tile measures 20cm by 20cm. How many of such tiles will cover a floor measuring 5m by 4m?
A. 500
B. 400
C. 320
D. 250

14. A woman buys 4 bags of rice for L 56 per bag and 3 bags of beans for L 26 per bg using the currency "LONI:" ( L ) in base 7. what is the total cost of the item in another currency "MONT" ( M ) in base 8?
M 224
M 114
M 340
M 440

15. A bag contains 5 yellow balls, 6 green balls and 9 black balls. A ball is drawn from the bag. What is the probability that it is a black or yellow ball?
A. 37/160
B. 7/10
C. 77/800
D. 133/800

16. E valuate x in base 3 if 41 x - 22 x = 17 x
A. 11
B. 8
C. 12
D. 22

17. T he radius of a given circle is given as 10cm subject to an error of 0.2cm. The error in the area of the circle is
A. 1/4%
B. 1/80%
C. 2%
D. 4%

18. T he journey from Lagos to Ibadan usually takes motorist 1 hour 3 minutes. By increasing his average speed by 20km/hr, the motorist saves 15 minutes. His usual speed, in km/hr is
A. 100
B. 90
C. 85
D. 80

19. How long will it take a sum of money invested at 8% simple interest to double the original sum?
A. 8 years
B. 10.5 years
C. 12 years
D. 12.5 years

20. If
1 + 1 = 5
1 + 1
1 + 1
find x
A. 3/7
B. 7/3
C. - 3/7
D. - 7/3

21. Simplify
1 + 2 - 3 / [ 1 + 2 of 6 ]
3 3 7
A. - 8/33
B. 21/11
C. 33/21
D. - 21/8

22. T he intetrior angles of a pentagon are: 180 0 ,118 0 ,80 0 ,78 0 and x. The value of x is:
A. 750
B. 1080
C. 1200
D. 1340.

Remember as always, to Invite your friends if you really want us to move forward.


ILE-IFE 2010.

1. I f (3/4) x (2/3) y = 32/27. find the value of 3y - 2x
A. -1
B. 7
C. 1
D. -7

2. T he indefinite integral xe x , for any real constant c is
A. c
x + e x + c
x 2 + e x + c
e x (x - 1) + c

3. T he scores of 16 students in a mathematics test are 65, 65, 55, 60, 65, 60, 70,75, 70, 65, 70, 60, 65, 65, 70. What is the sum of the median and modal scores
A. 125
B. 130
C. 140
D. 150

4. F ind the values of x for which 5 + 2x - 3x 2 = 0
A. -2 and 6/5
B. -1 and 5/3
C. -2 and -1
D. 6/5 and 5/3

5. E xpress
5y - 12
(y - 2) (y - 3)
in partial fraction
A. 2/y - 2 - 3/y - 3
B. 2/y - 2 + 3/y - 3
C. 2/y - 3 - 3/y - 2
D. 3/y - 3 - 4/y - 2

6. I f tan x = sin x / cos x find tan(90 0 + x), for acute of x
A. -cot x
B. -tan x
C. cot x
D. tan x

7. T he expression cos 2 0 + sin 2 0 has the numerical value
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 0

8. W hat is the distance between points (1, 2) and (4, 5) on a plane?
A. 3 root 2
B. 2 root 3
C. 3
D. 9

9. T he second term of an infinite geometric series is -1/2 and the third term is 1/4. Find the sum of the series
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3/2
D. 2/3

10. L et the letters P, Q, R and S denote parallelogram, quadrilateral, rectangle andsquare respectively. Using the correct notation, which is these inclusions is correct?
A. Q c R c P c S
B. S c P c R c S
C. S c P c R c Q
D. S c R c P c Q

11. T he integral values of y which satisfy the inequality -1 < 5 - 2y <_ 7 are
A. -1, 0, 1, 2
B. 0, 1, 2, 3
C. -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
D. -1, 0, 2, 3

12. I f x/y = z/w = c , find the value of
3x 2 - xz + z
3y 2 - yw + w
in terms of c
3c 2
17c 2 /4
2c - c 2D.
c 2

13. A s 0 tends to zero, what does cos 0 tends to ?
A. sin 0
B. 0
C. 1/2
D. 1

14. F ind x if x 2 - 2x - 15 = 0
A. 3, -5
B. -3, 5
C. 1, 15
D. -2, 15

15. I f x 2 - 5x + 6 = (x - a) 2 + b , the value of b is
A. -1/4
B. 3/2
C. 2
D. 3

16. A father leaves a legacy of N45 million for his children - Peter, David and Paul to be shared in the ratio 7:5:3. What amount in million Naira would each receive respectively?
A. N14, N7, N3
B. N15, N5, N3
C. N21, N15, N9
D. N20, N16, N10

17. A businessman invested a total of N200,000 in two companies which paid dividends of 5% and 7% respectively. If he received a total of N11,600 as dividend, how much did he invested at 7% ?
A. N160,000
B. N140,000
C. N120,000
D. N80,000

18. I n a convex polygon with n sides, the sum of interior angles is
N:B = 3.142 represents "pi"
A. (n - 2) 3.142
B. 2(n - 1) 3.142
C. 4(n - 1) 3.142
D. (2n + 4) 3.142

19. F ind the equation of the line perpendicular to the line y = 2x + 1 and passing through a point (3, 1)
A. y = 1/2x + 5/2
y 2 = 1/2x + 5/2
C. y = x + 5
D. 2y = x + 5

Remember to tell your friends abouting, by asking them to visit: www.nigerianuniversitynews.con


ILE-IFE 2009

1. W hat is the number of neutrons in the Uranium isotope 238 92 X?
A. 92
B. 146
C. 238
D. 320
E. 119

2. W hich of the following is not contained in a dry cell?
A. carbon rod
B. paste of magnesium chloride
C. paste of ammonium chloride
D. zinc case
E. copper rod

3. A devise that converts sound energy into electrical energy is
A. The horn of a motor car
B. An AC microphone
C. A microphone
D. The telephone earpiece
E. A loud speaker

4. T he refractive index of a liquid is 1.5. If the velocity of light in a vaccum is 3.0 x 10 8 m/s, the velocity in the liquid is
1.5 x 10 8 m/s
2.0 x 10 8 m/s
3.0 x 10 8 m/s
4.5 x 10 8 m/s
9.0 x 10 8 m/s

5. T he product of PV where P is pressure and V is volume has the same unit as
A. force
B. power
C. energy
D. accleration
E. all of the above

6. I f the force on a change 0.2 columb in an electric field is 4N, then the electric intensity of the field is
A. 0.8
B. 0.8N
C. 20.0N/C
D. 4.2N/C
E. 20.0C/N

7. A household refigerator is rated 200 watts. If electricity costs 5K per kwh, whatis the cost of operating it for 20 days?
A. N4.80
B. N48.00
C. N480.00
D. N4800.00
E. N240.00

8. T o find the depth of the sea, a ship sends out a sound wave and receives an echo after one second. If the velocity of sound in water is 1500m/s, what is the depth of the sea?
A. 0.75km
B. 1.50km
C. 2.20km
D. 3.00km
E. 3.75km

9. W hich of the following is common to evaporation and boiling ? They
A. take place at any temperature
B. are surface phenomenon
C. involve change of state
D. take place at a definite pressure
E. none of the above

10. A train has an initial velocity of 44m/s and an accleration of -4m/s. What is its velocity after 10 seconds
A. 2m/s
B. 4m/s
C. 8m/s
D. 12m/s
E. 16m/s

11. T he height at which the atmosphere ceases to exist is about 80km. If the atmospheric pressure on the ground level is 760mmHg, the pressure at a height on the ground level is 760mmHg, the pressure at a height of 20km anove the ground level is?
A. 380mmHg
B. 570mmHg
C. 190mHg
D. 480mmHg

12. T he resistance of a wire depends on
A. The length of the wire
B. The diameter of the wire
C. The temperature of the wire
D. The resistivity of the wire
E. All of the above

13. W hen a yellow card is observed through a blue glass, the card would appear as
A. black
B. green
C. red
D. white
E. purple

14. I f two masses 40g and 60g respectively, are unattached firmly to the end of a light metre rule , what is the centre of gravity of the system?
A. the mid point of the metre rule
B. 40cm from the lighter m
C. 40km from the heavier mass
D. 60cm from the heavier mass
E. indetermine because the metre rule is light

15. T he force with which an object is attracted to the earth is called...........
A. Accleration
B. Mass
C. Gravity
D. Impulse
E. Weight

16. W hich of the following instrument has a pure tone ?
A. guitar
B. vibrating string
C. turning fork
D. screen
E. horns

17. Which of these is not a fundamental S.l unit ?
A. Metre
B. Ampere
C. Kelvin
D. Second
E. Radian

18. R adio wave has a velocity of 3 x 10 8 m/s . If a radio station sends out a broadcast on a frequency 800KH 3 , what is the wav elength to the broadcast?
A. 375.0m
B. 267.0m
C. 240.0m
D. 37.5m
E. 26.7m

19. A simple pendulum 0.6m long has a period of 1.55. What is the period of a similar pendulum 0.4m long in the same direction
A. 3.1s
B. 3.43s
C. 2.26s
D. 1.27s
E. 1.70s

20. T he mode of heat transfer which does not require material medium is
A. conduction
B. radiation
C. convection
D. propagation

21. T he resistance of a 5m uniform wire of cross sectional area of 0.2 x 10 -6 m 2 is0.45ohms .What is the resistivity of the material of the wire?
1.80 x 10 -8 ohms m
4.25 x 10 -6 ohms m
2.40 x 10 7 ohms m
1.70 x 10 8 ohms m
1.40 x 10 -8 ohms m

22. A man of mass 50kg ascends a flight of stairs 5m high in 5 seconds. If the accleration due to gravity is 10m/s , the power expended is
A. 100w
B. 300w
C. 250w
D. 400w
E. 500w

23. F our lenses are being considered for use as a microscope object, which of the following focal length is most suitable?
A. -5mm
B. +5mm
C. -5cm
D. +5cm
E. -5.5cm

24. T wo strings of the same length and under the same tension gives notes of frequencies in the ratio 4:1 . The masses of the strings are in the rates of
A. 2:1
B. 1:2
C. 1:4
D. 1:7
E. 1:16

25. A machine has a velocity ratio of 5. If it requires a 50kg of weight to overcome 200kg weight, the effciency is
A. 4%
B. 5%
C. 40%
D. 50%
E. 80%

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1. Which of the following is not necessarily the feature of a Nation
A. government
B. population
C. sovereignty
D. territory

2. T he Emir's treasure in the pre-colonial Hausa/Fulani system was
A. Waziri
B. Dogan
C. Maaji
D. Madawakin

3. R emoval by impeachment applies to the position of a
A. Prime minister
B. Cabinet minister
C. President
D. Chief Judge

4. 1976 Local government elections in Nigeria was based on
A. Multi-party system
B. Two-party system
C. Zero-party system
D. One-party system

5. A deliberate tampering with electoral boundaries for the purpose of winning future elections is called
A. Politicking
B. Gerrymandering
C. Lobbying
D. Electoral trafficking

6. G abriel Almond and Sydney Verba are scholars known with the concept of
A. Democracy
B. Zionism
C. Political culture
D. Political propaganda

7. T he first political party in Nigeria was established in
A. 1923
B. 1922
C. 1960
D. 1944

8. T he majority of OPEC members are located in
A. the middle belt
B. Asia
C. Africa
D. Latin America

9. C attle Tax in the Fulani Emirate is called
A. Jigali
B. Isakole
C. Alkali
D. Hakimi

10. A scholar that is known with the principle of right to life, right to personal liberty/property is
A. Thomas Hobbes
B. Jean Bodin
C. Harold Laxwell
D. John Locke

11. T he membership of pressure groups is limited because they
A. pursue specific and narrow objectives
B. are mainly concemed with public interest
C. promote other people's interest
D. are not patriotic

12. C lassical Democracy is associated with one of the following countnes
A. France
B. Britain
D. Greece

13. T he most appropriate form of government for a homogenous society is a
A. Unitary system
B. One party system
C. totalitarian system
D. socialist system

14. T he key word for explaining the term authority is · .
A. right
B. ability
C. control
D. power

15. T he National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) was established in
A. 1960
B. 1963
C. 1973
D. 1975

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1. W hich of the following is NOT a goal of modern budgets?
A. The control of inflation
B. The reduction in income inequality
C. The shift of all resources from the private to the public sector
D. Economic development.

2. W hich of the following is an external economy derived by a firm?
A. Low cost opportunities enjoyed by being in a place where other producers concentrate
B. Technical economies enjoyed by varying the factors of production
C. Economies of management by putting administrators where they are most efficient
D. Marketing advantages attained through preferential treatment in the purchase and distribution of produce

3. T he most important economic characteristic differentiating commercial banks from other financial institutions is their
A. Function as a safe and prontable store place for savings
B. Role in financing balance of payments deficits
C. Status as an intermediary between savers and borrowers
D. Ability to create and destroy money.

4. W hich of the following causes of inflation is related to demand-pull inflation?
A. Poor storage facilities
B. Low productivity on farms and in firms
C. Poor distribution system
D. increase in government expenditure on construction.

5. W hich of the following advantages of localization of industries may also be a disadvantage?
A. Extemal economies
B. Concentration of industries and people
C. Development of organized markets
D. Reduced cost of research

6. G iven that the cash reserve ratio is 10percent, what is the maximum amount of money that the banking system can create from an initial cash deposit of N100.00?
A. N100.00
B. N1,000.00
C. N9,000.00
D. N10,000.00

7. W hich of the following is used by the Central Bank to control the rate of interest?
A. Bill of Exchange
B. Bankers Order
C. Fixed Deposit Account
D. Open Market Operation

8. D eflation is a persistent fall in the general price level and is usually caused by
A. A reduction in total demand
B. An increase in government spending
C. An increase in the money supply
D. An increase in aggregate demand.

9. T he best technical description of aiprogiressive tax is a
A. Tax which takes money from the rich than from the poor
B. More equitable tax than a regressive one
C. Tax which takes higher proportion of extra naira received as income rises
D. Tax which falls directly on those in the high income brackets

10. O ne of the advantages of a partnership over a sole proprietorship is that
A. lt is the most popular form of business organization
B. The partner can easily withdraw from the business
C. lt makes an increase in the capital of the business possible
D. There is no limit to the number of people who may bring in capital.

11. l n a public company, shares are
A. Sold to one person only
B. Distributed freely
C. Advertised to members of the public for subscription
D. Disposed of by the Chief Executive.

12. T he Nigerian Bank for Commerce and lndustry is
A. A Commercial Bank
B. A Development Bank
C. An industrial Bank
D. A Merchant Bank.

13. T o control inflation, the monetary authorities of a country can
A. Reduce taxes
B. Advise govemment to increase its expenditure
C. Engage in expansive monetary policy
D. Engage in restrictive monetary policy.

14. W hich of the following is a characteristic of a private limited liability company?
A. its shares can be sold to the public
B. The number of shareholders ranges from fifty to one hundred
C. All shareholders have equal powers and responsibilities
D. The number of shareholders ranges from two to fifty.

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1. W hen it is cold , the blood vessels of the skin
A. dilate to increase blood flow to the skin
B. constrict to reduce the amount of blood flowing to the skin
C. dilate to reduce the amount of blood flowing to the skin
D. constrict to increase the amount of blood flowing to the skin

2. A n organism with a pair of indistinguishable genes is a
A. heterozygote
B. hybrid
C. allelomorph
D. homozygote
E. diploid

3. 'Joined skeleton' is absent in the
A. cockroach
B. spider
C. millepede
D. snail
E. house fly

4. T he fruit formed from a single flower having several free carpels is called
A. multiple fruit
B. simple fruit
C. aggregate fruit
D. dehinscent fruit
E. indehinscent fruit

5. T he function of OSSICLES {maleus, incus and stapes} in the mammalian ear is to
A. transmit vibration
B. regulate pressure
C. support of the inner ear
D. maintain balance during motion
E. secrete oil

6. W hich of these is an adaptation to a xerophytes environment
A. fleshy tissue with reduced leaves
B. extensive surface roots and broad leaves
C. thick barks and broad leaves
D. rough leaves and shallow root system
E. stunted growth surface roots

7. T he part of the central nervous system concerned with answering an examination question is the
A. Spinal cord
B. Cerebellum
C. Oryx
D. Cerebrum
E. Medulla oblongata

8. I n which of these are flagella and cilia found?
A. Flatworms
B. Protozoa
C. Colenterates
D. Annelids
E. Nematodes

9. Anaerobic respiration in yeast produces
A. carbondioxide and ethanol
B. carbondioxide and water
C. carbondioxide and oxygen
D. carbondioxide and and glucose
E. ethanol and water

10. A true climax community
A. changes from year to year
B. persists until the environment changes
C. Is the first stage in plant duccession
D. Consists of tallest trees and small animals
E. Is in a state of perturbation

11. T he major functon of swim-bladder in fish is
A. Breathing
B. Swimming
C. Diving
D. Repelling enemy
E. Buoyancy

12. T he bone of the neck on which the skull rests is
A. Odontion
B. Axis
C. Occipital
D. Atlas
E. Patella

13. T he three important organs that are situated close to the stomach are
A. liver, kidney and gall bladder
B. pancreas, liver and kidney
C. gall bladder, pancreas and spleen
D. liver, kidney and spleen
E. kidney, gall bladder and liver

14. Mucor and Spirogyra can be put in a group because they
A. Are unicellular
B. Have spores that are dispersed by wind
C. Can live independent lives
D. Reproduce sexually
E. Have bodies made up of thallus and filaments alternatively

15. I n a predator food chain involving secondary and tertiary consumers , the organisms become progressively
A. smaller
B. equal in number
C. large and fewer along the food chain
D. parasitized along the food chain as consumers get bigger
E. sparse in distribution

16. A child blood group genotype different form those of both parents and with a mother of genotype OO , can only have a father of genotype.
A. A
B. B

17. T he organ through which nourishment and oxygen diffuse into an embryo is called
A. Amnion
B. Chorion
C. Umbilical cord
D. Oviduct
E. Placenta

18. T he ridicule of a bean seedling grows most rapidly in the region
A. of the root tip
B. below the top soil
C. just around the root tip
D. just below the root tip
E. just above the root tip

19. O ne of these is not found in the urine.
A. water
B. sodium chloride
C. nitrogenous compounds
D. calcium chloride
E. nitrogenous salts

20. W hich of these is false about the piliferous layer of a root ? It
A. Has a thin cuticle
B. Is the outermost layer of the cortex
C. May bear root hairs
D. Breaks down with age
E. Is replaced by cork in old roots

21. A key similarity between nervous and hormonal system is that both
A. Involve chemical transmission
B. Have widespread effects
C. Shed chemicals into the blood stream
D. Evoke rapid response
E. Eliminate response

22. W hich one of these factors is completely abiotic ?
A. turbidity, tide, salinity, plankton
B. pressure, pH, soil insect
C. water, soil, bacteria, salinity
D. pH, bamboos, wind, rainfall
E. light, altitude, wind, humidity

23. W ind pollinated flowers usually have
A. long styles
B. sticky stigmas
C. small and short stigmas
D. rough pollen grains
E. small styles and pollen

24. T he plaintain reproduces asexually by
A. spores
B. buds
C. fragements
D. suckers
E. flowers

25. A tapeworm fasten itself to the intestine of its host with
A. neck and suckers
B. hooks and suckers
C. rostellum and suckers
D. proglottis and neck
E. rostellum hooks and suckers

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1. An 0.60kg rubber stopper is whirled in a horizontal circle of 0.80m radius at a rate of 0.3 revolutions per second. What is the tension in the string?
A. 14N
B. 80N
C. 170N
D. 24N

2. T he superposition of two or more waves to produce a maximum or zero effect at a point is known as:
A. reflection
B. refraction
C. diffraction
D. interference

3. W hich of the following about electrolysis is false
A. liquid that conduct electricity and are split up chemically by the current are electrolyzed
B. the current is brought into the electrolyte by the anode
C. the current is taken away from the electrolyte by the cathode
D. the container which holds the electrolyte and the cathode is the voltmeter

4. The most likely measurement of length of an object using a venier caliper is
A. 3.0cm
B. 3.3cm
C. 3.33cm
D. 3.333cm

5. T he accleration due to gravity
A. increases with increasing altitude
B. decreases with increasing altitude
C. increases with increase in the square of the altitude
D. is not affected by the altitude

6. W hich of the following is not true about the properties of x-rays
A. they are not deflected
B. they ionize a gas , making it a conductor
C. they are massive
D. they have high penetrating power

7. H ighly polished silvery surfaces are:
A. poor absorbers but good emitter of radiation
B. good absorbers and good emitters of radiation
C. poor emitters but good reflectors of radiation
D. poor emitters and poor reflectors of radiation

8. A mass of 0.5kg is attached to one end of a helical spring and produces an extension of 2.5cm. The mass now set into vertical oscillation of amplitude 10mm . The period of oscillation is : (g = 10m/s 2 )
A. 0.33s
B. 100s
C. 200s
D. 280s

9. A gas at constant pressure of 4.0 x 10 5 Pa is cooled so that its volume decreases from 1.6m 3 to 1.2m 3 . What work is performed by the gas?
6.4 x 10 5 J
3.2 x 10 5 J
1.6 x 10 5 J
0.4 x 10 5 J

10. A transformer is connected to a 240V supply. The primary coil has 40 turns, and the secondary is found to be 960V. What is the ratio of the number of turnsof theprimary coil to the number of turns of the secondary coil?
A. 1:4
B. 4:1
C. 1:6
D. 6:1

11. A n automobile is traveling at 60km/hr. Calculate the angular velocity of the 0.35m radius wheels.
A. 16.67 rad/s
B. 47.6 rad/s
C. 21 rad/s
D. 171.4 rad/s

12. W hich of the following phenomena cannot be explained by the molecular theory of matter ?
A. evaporation
B. expansion
C. conduction
D. radiation

13. Which of the following is not true about an object that is projected upwards at angle 0
A. the velocity is maximum at the maximum height
B. the accleration along the horizontal direction of zero
the maximum range (R max ) for an object moving with speed u is given by u 2 /g
D. the time it takes to get the maximum height is equal to the time it takes to come back to the point of projection

14. For a particle having an x coordinate that varies in time according to the expression x = 4t - 2t 2 . The instantaneous velocity for the particle at a t = 2.5 is:
A. 12m/s
B. 6m/s
C. 0m/s
D. 10m/s

15. W hich of the following statement is not true?
A. electric field intensity is force per unit charge
B. electric potential is a vector
C. the S.l unit of electric field strength is N/C
D. electric field intensity is equal to potential gradient

16. A n air bubble at the bottom of a lake has a volume of 20cm 3 , pressure of 4.9Pa, and temperature 4 0 C. and the pressure 1.0Pa. Find the volume as the bubble reaches the surface (Take 1 atm = 1.0 x 10 5 N/m 2 )
124cm 3
319cm 2
60cm 3
104cm 3

17. A n 0.040Kg string 0.80m long is stretched and vibrated in a fundamental model with a frequency of 40Hz. What is the speed (of propagation) of the wave and the tension in the string?
A. 64m/s
B. 340m/s
C. 32m/s
D. 128m/s

18. A long jumper leaves th e ground at an angle of 20 0 above the horizontal and at a speed of 11m/s. How far does it jump in the horizontal direction?
A. 0.384m
B. 7.94m
C. 8.45m
D. 0m

19. I f the force of gravity of an object of mass m, the gravitational field strength , g, is given by the following equation:
g = (mF) 1/2
B. g = mF
g = m(F) 1/2
D. g = F/m

20. If 21g of alcohol of density 0.7gcm -3 is mixed with 10g of water, what would bethe density of the resulting mixture?
780gcm -3
0.78gcm -3
30gcm -3
10gcm -3

21. Which of the following statements is not TRUE about a body performing simple harmonic motion?
A. the linear speed is the product of the angular speed and the radius or amplitude
B. the linear accleration is the product of the square of the angular speed and the displacement
C. frequency is the number of complete revolution per second made by a vibrating body
D. the S.l unit of amplitude is Hertz (Hz)

22. A boat is passing under a bridge. The deck of the boat is 15m below the bridge. A small package is to be dropped from the bridge onto the deck of the boat when the boat is 25m from just below the drop point. What (boat) speed is necessary to have the package land in the boat [g = 9.8m/s 2 ]
A. 17m/s
B. 14m/s
C. 1.7m/s
D. 4.9m/s

23. When three coplanar non-parallel are in equilibrum . Which of the following is false?
A. they can be represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides ofa triangle taken in order
B. the lines of action meet at a point
C. the magnitude of the force equals the magnitude of the resultant of the other two forces
D. any one force is the equivalent of the two.

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Read the passage carefully and answer the question below
From the apex of Niger Delta southwards, dry land, overgrown with dense forests still virginal in various spots, gives way to seasonally inundated zones.Here, sweet water swamps with strands of raffia palms gradually merge into tidal swamps of brackish oooze,where mud skippers thrive under the arching roots of mangroves. The Niger, fingering through a thousand creeks, meet the sea in a dozen eustarie. Strong rives currents drift and mud across the river mouths, scaling tem again and again to navigation

1. According to the passage, how would you describe a seasonally inundated zone?
A. a zone always covered with mud
B. a zone always covered with shallow water
C. a zone under water at certain times of the year
D. a zone subject to heavy rain every season

2. 'Fingering though' as used in the passage means
A. cutting across
B. passing through
C. cutting between
D. passing between

3. Where does Niger meet the sea ?
A. in the creeks
B. in the Delta
C. in the swamps
D. in the forest

4. Where do mudskippers thrive?
A. in the creeks
B. in the swamps
C. in the mangroves
D. in the roots

5. What is brackish ooze?
A. a strong river current
B. a mixture of fresh water and mud
C. a mixture of fresh water and salt water
D. fresh and clean water

In the sentence below, there is one word underlined and one gap. From the list of words A-E choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined and which is appropriately fill the gap in the sentence

6. She was a very proficient hairdresser but had little aptitude for sewing in which she was .................
A. new
B. unskilled
C. unlearned
D. ignorant
E. awkward

7. A metal will expand when it is heated and ............... when it cools
A. shorten
B. lesser
C. contract
D. congeal
E. curtail

8. If you do not accept the offer of a job in the Secretariat within the next one week, we shall assume you ............ it
A. denied
B. refused
C. deprived
D. left
E. lost

9. Athletes wishing to get rid of their ........... and get more energy should take more excercise
A. fat
B. oxygen
C. lethargy
D. trainers
E. espots

10. The political aspirant asked the villagers to support him and not to .......... his authority in any way
A. deny
B. undermine
C. defy
D. despite
E. attack

In the questions below , fill the gap with the appropriate option from the list. The excercise express different times by using different tenses. From the natives suggested, choose any one that best suits each context.

11. Sir, I'm not lying about the matter, I know nothing of it, if I knew
A. I must tell you
B. I can tell you
C. I would tell you
D. I shall tell you

12. The editor was not happy that the Nigeria press was hemmed.......
A. up
B. across
C. in
D. over
E. sideway

13. More ............ to your elbow as you campaign for press freedom
A. energy
B. power
C. effort
D. grease
E. kinetic

14. A child that shows mature characteristics at an early age may be described as
A. precocious
B. ingenuous
C. premature
D. preconceived

15. That is a very terrible woman; everyday she makes lot of noise about one thingor the other, I'm not suprised, that's what her sisters ....................... too
A. are used to doing
B. do
C. always used to do
D. are doing

From the list of words lettered A-E below the sentence, chooose the onenearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence

16. Last night there was a very fierce rain storm
A. raging
B. storming
C. angry
D. violent
E. ferocious

17. After finishing the 800 meters race, he fell asleep from exhaustion
A. weakness
B. fatigue
C. overwork
D. eagerness
E. sloth

18. After Warri, on our way to Benin, we passed through a dense forest
A. crowded
B. close
C. thick
D. heavy
E. wooded

19. The examiner said that the candidate's performance in the examination was notgood enough
A. failure
B. achievement
C. success
D. presentation
E. marks

20. The footballers went back to their camp sullenly
A. cheekily
B. quickly
C. stubbornly
D. resentfully
E. silently

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choose the option opposite in meaning to the word capitalized.
1. The University of Lagos has a large INTAKE of students each year.
A. rejection
B. product
C. output
D. turn-out

2. The demonstrators have refused to CALL OFF their action.
A. consolidate
B. start
C. resume
D. end

3. Coastal plains are often very DENSELY populated.
A. weakly
B. badly
C. rarely
D. sparsely

4. Our government is making DETERMINED efforts to eradicate illiteracy.
A. compulsory
B. ineffective
C. innocent
D. unreliable

5. Sola's car is badly damaged; he has to look for an EXPERT mechanic to fix it.
A. uneducated
B. amateurish
C. awkward
D. unscientific

6. Anini was a MINDLESS criminal.
A. strong
B. mindful
C. feeling
D. memorable

7. The ANGRY waves swallowed the boat.
A. gentle
B. unruffled
C. cool
D. serene

8. The thieves VANDALIZED the vaults's lock.
A. repaired
B. arranged
C. serviced
D. actuated

9. Ngozi flogged the girl RELUCTANTLY.
A. eagerly
B. calmly
C. furiously
D. laboriously

10. The judge blamed the PLAINTIFF for misleading the court. "
A. defendant
B. complainant
C. accused
D. prosecution

Read the Following passage to answer questions
Delinquency describes actions that would not be crimes if performed by adults. lf a young person perform one of such actions then he has committed a crime. Delinquency is one of several status offences, offences that can be committed only by people in particular stations of life as determined by age profession or a person's role in society. For young people such offences include drinking, driving and smoking under age. Usually they are offences only to the extent that they help to preserve some of the good things of life for the exclusive enjoyment of the adult world. Delinquency is therefore a weapon forged in adultminds and directed by adult hands against young people. lt is born out of envy,adult pride and intolerance. lf the world changed overnight and the responsibility to make and enforce laws-fell or juvenile shoulders, the adults should expect a raw deal in return. Delinquency would then certainly refer only to many of the adult actions now freely committed by them.

11. ln the view of the writer, drinking under is an offence because
A. adults want to have all the drink to themselves
B. Adults do not want juvenilesitoelget drunk
C. Drunken juveniles can cause disorder in society
D. Adults have a duty to protect young persons.

12. l f the world changed ovenight
A. There would be more delinquency laws.
B. Delinquency would refer to all adult actions.
C. Delinquency would be no more be a crime
D. Delinquency would also change in meaning

13. The writer of the passage believes delinquency laws are
A. not relevant to human society
B. only fit for young people
C. unfair to the juveniles
D. very fair to the adult world

14. Status offences are those that canibe committed by
A. all adults
B. juveniles only
C. delinquent juveniles only
D. specified classes of people.

15. When young people make and enforce laws
A. The responsibility will be too heavy on their shoulders
B. They would retaliate against the adults.
C. Their laws will be very juvenile
D. The world will be turned upside down.




Choose the phrase that best completes each of the following sentences (34-38)
34. When John finished reading ……………. of the book, he lost interest
(a) the three first chapters
(b) the chapters first three
(c) the first three chapters
(d) the three chapters first
35. He bought ………………………………
(a) an expensive, green, very, American saloon car
(b) an expensive, very green, American saloon car
(c) a very green, expensive, saloon American car
(d) a very expensive, American, green saloon car
36. As things are now, I have to look for …………… tire
(a) a cheap, second-hand, rubber
(b) a cheap, rubber, second-hand
(c) a rubber, cheap, second-hand
(d) a second-hand, rubber cheap
37. Three weeks after …………….. the village had not recovered from the frightening experience
(a) another police surprise raid
(b) another surprise police raid
(c) police surprise another raid
(d) another raid police surprise
38. Kemi is not ……………… as her brother
(a) a such good writer
(b) such good writer
(c) as good as writer
(d) as good a writer
Standard English refers to the authoritative and correct usage of the language, the medium of expression for government and education. Its opposite is a dialectical variant of the language, that is, accepted and recognized words, expressions and structures peculiar to a smaller group of geographical region. For example, Nigerian, American, Irish and British English differ from one another in many respects and each is identifiable, yet in every case the standard variety approaches a single and hypothetical classification known as international English. As one moves towards informality and away from the observance of strict rules, emphasis falls on the differences between dialects. In addition to American English being distinguishable from British English, it is also true that British English is not uniform within the United Kingdom.
The level of formality is determined by education and aspiration, while dialects vary from region to region.
39. The author refers to Standard English as
(a) a dialectical variant of language
(b) an authoritative style of usage
(c) the orthodox and accurate usage of language
(d) the accepted and recognized words, expressions and structures, peculiar to a similar group of language users
40. One characteristic of a dialect as mentioned in the passage is
(a) informality
(b) possession of various forms
(c) distinction from British English
(d) restricted area of usage
41. According to the author, Nigerians American, Irish and British English can be regarded as
(a) registers
(b) standards
(c) styles
(d) languages
42. According to the passage, the international English is
(a) a kind of arbitrary classification
(b) an imaginary classification
(c) an informal standard
(d) a recognized formal standard
43. The observance of a strict rule is a feature of
(a) formality
(b) dialects
(c) languages
(d) unconventionality
In questions 44 to 49 choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase(s) in italics
44. Ngozi and Ekaete were fast friends when we were in the secondary school
(a) friends who run very quickly together
(b) friends who go without food for a long time together
(c) friends who were not easily separated from each other
(d) friends who spend too much time and energy on pleasure and excitement
45. My son has just been rusticated from the university.
(a) sent home to get his fees
(b) sent home for misconduct
(c) sent home to rest for some time
(d) sent home to become rustic
46. The policemen looked at the face of the robber and saw tell-tale signs of a dyed-in-the wool convict
(a) hardened
(b) remorseless
(c) heady
(d) hardhearted
47. "Marcus bears watching", remarked Emperor Nero
(a) dispose the can of refuse
(b) accept responsibilities
(c) be made one of the scape-goats
(d) bear the brunt
48. The senator had the habit of setting the cast among the pigeons whenever matters concerning his constituency came up for a debate
(a) monopolizing the decisions
(b) illuminating issues that are not clear
(c) making frequent interruptions in the nature of points correction
(d) introducing elements of controversy and confusion
49. The urban environment tends to form the nucleus of a common dialect
(a) setting
(b) repository
(c) cell
(d) core
In each of questions 50 to 54, choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s)
50. The sea waves continue to …………. the cliff on the west coast constantly
(a) impair
(b) rub
(c) knock
(d) erode
51. The chief priest will ………….the men into the cult today
(a) indoctrinate
(b) usher
(c) convert
(d) initiate
52. The girl that my brother introduced to us last week is pretty ………..ill-mannered
(a) and
(b) but also
(c) as well as
(d) but
53. The police report was …………… to that of the eye witness
(a) contrary
(b) inconsistent
(c) different
(d) congruent
54. If I had been told of the matter earlier, I …….so late
(a) would not go
(b) will not have gone
(c) should not go
(d) would not have gone
In question 55 to 59, choose the option nearest in meaning to the emboldened
55. The story has to be taken with a grain of salt. This means that
(a) you need to some salt to listen to the story
(b) there is no salt in the story
(c) the story is questionable
(d) the story is true
(e) there is too much salt in the story
56. It is usually hard to change the course of action when one crosses the Rubicon. The underlined expression as used in the context means
(a) passed through the place called Rubicon
(b) crossed a bridge called Rubicon
(c) pass a special test
(d) cross a river called Rubicon
(e) be irrevocably committed
57. The salesman tried to pull the wool over my eyes. This implies that the salesman tried to
(a) force me to buy his goods
(b) offer me cotton wool
(c) make me buy his wool
(d) dupe me
(e) cover my eyes with wool
58. Ijeaoma counted her chickens before they were hatched. This implies that Ijeoma
(a) regarded each egg as a chicken
(b) hatched the eggs prematurely
(c) assumed that her expectations had already been realized
(d) protected her eggs from breaking
(e) insured the eggs
59. Solo has resigned his job with the Textile Mill. He doesn't seem to worry about getting another job. His plans are still quite in the air. This implies that his plans are
(a) airmailed
(b) airtight
(c) uncertain
(d) certain
(e) airborne
In questions 60 to 63, choose the expression which best completes each sentence
60. After the initial confusion, the Manager's suggestion brought …………….to thedepressed investors
(a) a glitter of hope
(b) a glimmer of hope
(c) a sparkle of hope
(d) a raise of hope
(e) a shower of hope
61. The farmer has bought the insecticide because he was bent on …………the insect in his farm.
(a) exterminating
(b) estimating
(c) extenuating
(d) extinguishing
(e) exemplifying
62. The young lady decided to ………….
(a) do away with the many advice given her by relatives
(b) reject all the advices given by her relatives
(c) reject all the advice given by her relations
(d) take to all the advices given by her relations
(e) eject all the advice given by her relatives
63. The ministers found it very difficult to get …………
(a) through with each other in the cabinet
(b) by with one another
(c) off from each other
(d) through with one another
(e) on with each other
From the list of words lettered A to E, choose the word/group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning of the following
64. Purchased
(a) destroyed
(b) bought
(c) sold
(d) lent
(e) took
65. Encouraged
(a) financed
(b) warned
(c) dissuaded
(d) persuaded
(e) helped
66. Customary
(a) illegal
(b) impolite
(c) unusual
(d) ^
(e) pointless
67. Kindle
(a) kill
(b) switched
(c) extinguish
(d) destroy
(e) ignite


From the alternatives suggested, select the answer that best expresses the same meaning as the expression italicized in each exercise
1. Don't take the plate away; it is possible for the owner to ask for it
(a) the owner might
(b) the owner can
(c) the owner is going to
(d) the owner will come to
(e) none of them
Answer = A
2. I wonder if you would allow me to put out the fire
(a) I might
(b) I can
(c) I should
(d) I have to
(e) All of them
Answer = B
3. When your great-grandmother was in Vietnam, did she have the ability to speak Chinese?
(a) had she been able
(b) was she enable
(c) could she
(d) how possible was it for her
(e) None of them
Answer = C
4. I know a carpenter that knows how to make that kind of wardrobe
(a) could
(b) has the know-how
(c) can
(d) can be able
(e) may be able
Answer = C
5. Frances, where is your male visitor? Don't lie to me; it is not possible that hehas gone through the high windows
(a) he couldn't have
(b) he can't have
(c) he shouldn't
(d) he mustn't have
(e) None of them
Answer = A
6. My father made no bones about telling his friend how he felt about his behaviour. This means that my father
(a) spoke well to his friend about his behaviour
(b) spoke honestly to his friend about his behaviour
(c) spoke in the open to his friend about his behaviour
(d) spoke hesitantly to his friend about is behaviour
(e) spoke with all his might to his friend about his behaviour
Answer = B
7. After much talk, my brother thought it was time to talk to hit the hay. This means that my brother thought it was time to
(a) make hay while the sub shines
(b) burn the collection of hay
(c) go to bed
(d) keep quiet
(e) tell the others off
Answer = C
8. The housemaster was foaming in the mouth when he discovered that some students had sneaked out of the hostel. This means the headmaster
(a) was very sad
(b) had epilepsy
(c) became silent and calculative
(d) was uncontrollably furious
(e) was jittery
Answer = D
9. Who told Mabel she could sing? She really laid an egg at the talent show. This means
(a) Mabel's performance was very embarrassing
(b) Mabel's performance was very interesting
(c) Mabel's performance was very impressive
(d) Mabel's performance was very bad
(e) Mabel's performance was like that of a hen laying egg
Answer = A.
10. Mr. Johnson is on the warpath because his car broke down again. This means that Mr. Johnson is
(a) ready to fight his mechanic
(b) started fighting the government because the road was bad
(c) very infuriated
(d) fighting a war with his family in the car
(e) drawing a battle in between him and his mechanic
Answer = C
Choose the appropriate option to complete the following
11. At the crusade, we prayed to God ……………… on us
(a) breath his breathe
(b) breathe his breath on us
(c) breathe his breathe
(d) breath his breath
Answer = B
Breathe is a verb, breath is a noun. Be careful not to confuse both with breadth,the opposite of length
12. The Chairman, Committee of Deans needs to see your friend Dele urgently,do you know his ………?
(a) where and about
(b) whereabouts
(c) whereabout
(d) where and abouts
Answer = B
The question is from Pluralia Tantums. Whereabouts must have an s; not whereabout. Other words like whereabouts are: surroundings, holidays, earnings, archives, premises, spirits (meaning: mood) wages, headquarters, ashes, arrears, annals, auspices, odds, riches, remains (dead body), regards, outskirts, banns (announcement of coming marriage) and troops.
13. "As from now, this university will have zero tolerance for any form of malpractice", said the Vice-chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor said that
(a) as from then, this university would have zero tolerance for any form of malpractice
(b) as from now, this university would have zero tolerance for any form of malpractice
(c) as from then, his university will have zero tolerance for any form of malpractice
(d) as from then, that university would begin to have zero tolerance for any form of malpractice
Answer = D
The question is from Reported Speech. Notice that now has changed to then, thishas changed to that, will changed to would.
All verbs must change, in indirect / reported speech to the past form.
14. The teacher took me for one of those students who could not spell words as
(a) 'miscelanous and mainainance'
(b) 'miscelaneous and meintainance'
(c) 'miscellaneous and maintenance'
(d) 'miscellanous and maintainance'
Answer = C
The question is from orthography and spellings.
15. God should take control of the heart of the organizers of this Post-UME screening exercise, they should not make this test …………………than UME
(a) more tough
(b) more tougher
(c) much tougher
(d) more much tougher
Answer = C
The question is from comparative of adjectives. Tougher is already a comparative adjective and needs no more before it but it can take much before it to show that it is not only / ordinarily tougher but much (a lot,) tougher than the previous.
From the words lettered A – E, choose the word that is alike in meaning to the word emboldened.
16. Andrew made some bellicose statement about his strength to other boys inthe street. This means that Andrew
(a) is a brave man
(b) wishes to fight
(c) is a coward
(d) loves to help others with his power
(e) has a lot of power
Answer = B
This question is about Diction. Bellicosity is eagerness to fight.
17. The excuse that he forgot about the meeting was a flimsy one. This means that the excuse was
(a) very bad
(b) a complete lie
(c) difficult to believe
(d) not important
(e) a very good one
Answer = B
The question is about Diction.
18. Scrupulous politicians do not have a place in the Nigerian politics. Scrupulous politicians are
(a) honest
(b) dishonest
(c) corrupt
(d) good-natured
(e) insincere
Answer = A
The question is about Diction. Scrupulous means, having the qualities of fairnessand honesty; not willing to do wrong.
19. The woman was happy because her gorgeous dressing made her quite obtrusive. The woman was very
(a) appreciated
(b) proud
(c) good
(d) noticeable
(e) excellent
Answer = D
The question is about semantics.
20. The man is known to be a sly. I won't trust him with anything. This means the man is known as a
(a) deceiver
(b) thief
(c) kidnapper
(d) rogue
(e) burglar
The question is about Diction. Sly is an adjective as, not a noun as it has been used in the question.